Tuesday, September 16, 2014

When Teens Lie About Drugs: A Guide for Parents

WebMD Feature
Reviewed By Louise Chang, MD

If Tom Hedrick could change one thing about teen drug use, he would reduce the time it takes between a parent’s first hunch that something is wrong and the child getting treatment. The fact that teens lie about drugs, and parents believe them, delays treatment, says Hedrick, a founding member of The Partnership for a Drug-Free America.
Brian and Julie Unwin have heard a lot of lies, both from their son and through other parents in their support group. A few examples:
·         “Other people were smoking marijuana. I must have inhaled some by accident.”
·         "My friend had a cold, so I gave him our bottle of cough medicine."
·         “I was the only one at the party who wasn’t drinking, but they arrested all of us.”
·         “I ate a poppy seed muffin. That must be why the drug test came back positive.”
The Unwins’ teenage son lied and manipulated them for four years until he got sober. And they, like many parents, had a hard time accepting that reality. “When you raise a child, when you hold him in your arms as an infant, you want to believe him. No family wants to go through this,” says Brian.
This article explores the lies teens tell about drugs and what parents can do to get over their hurt and anger to keep their child safe.

Kids Lie, and Parents Believe Them

A group of researchers wanted to know how common it is for teens to lie about drugs. They asked 400 teenagers if they used cocaine, then took hair samples to test for traces of the drug. Even though they knew their answers were private, and that the drug test would prove them right or wrong, most teens who had cocaine in their systems denied using it. The hair samples revealed drug use 52 times more often than the teens admitted.
The fact that teens lie even when they know they’ll get caught doesn’t surprise Mason Turner, MD, chief of psychiatry at Kaiser Permanente San Francisco. “Most teens don’t think about what comes next,” he tells WebMD. “Concerns about the future don’t enter into their decision making.”

6 Tips for Parents of Teens

If your child is lying about using drugs or alcohol, looking the other way is a dangerous mistake. Study after study shows that parents’ involvement plays an important role in preventing adolescent drug use. And the earlier problem is addressed, the better your chances of containing potential damage. Here are six things you can do.
1. Trust your instincts.

Turner sees many parents discount their concerns about their child’s behavior. They say things like, “I’m probably just being an obsessive parent.” Or “Maybe I’m being hypersensitive.” But parents know their children. “If a parent’s gut is telling them something is off, there has got to be a reason,” Turner tells WebMD.

6 Tips for Parents of Teens continued...

If the cold or cough syrup in your medicine cabinet disappears or gets used up, ask about it. Over-the-counter cough medicines contain dextromethorphan, an ingredient teens can drink in excess to get high.
Cagey behavior may have a simple explanation or a serious cause. Perhaps your child is stressed over schoolwork. Maybe she had a fight with a friend. Or she could have a problem she’s afraid to talk about. Turner counsels parents to make it as easy as possible for their teens to talk to them. Start by asking what is going on. Talk about specific things you see and concerns you have, and then be ready to listen.
2. Educate yourself.

Julie Unwin saw her middle-school son become increasingly sullen and withdrawn. “In my gut I believed something was wrong,” she says. "But I thought, if he was using drugs I would see a physical sign.” The Unwins' son didn’t come home slurring or with bloodshot eyes because he wasn’t using alcohol or marijuana, at least not at first. There might have been signs, but his parents didn’t know what to look for.
Drugs rise and fall in popularity over time. It’s possible you have never heard of your child’s drug of choice. With time and research you can get to know the different substances available to kids today. The web sites drugfree.org or drugabuse.gov have drug guides that describe commonly abused substances and their effects.
3. Don’t take it personally. 

If you find out your child is lying about drugs, you may see red. You may feel hurt, angry, guilty, and betrayed. All of these emotions are understandable. And none of them will help you help your child.   
“First, recognize that lying is a normal teen behavior,” advises Turner. He goes on to say that normal or not, parents can and should teach their kids that lying is unacceptable. Your conversation with your child could cover the following ground:
·         Explore the reasons your child lied
·         Understand what is going on
·         Let your child know that lying is not OK
·         Talk about how to be honest in the future
4. Get help.

A lot of parents try to keep their child’s drug use within the family, Hedrick tells WebMD. “The idea that addiction reflects badly on the family keeps a lot of kids out of treatment until the problem is too big to ignore.”
Like diabetes or a broken bone, treating drug abuse requires expertise most parents don’t have. If your child is using drugs, you’ll have your hands full, even with a professional involved. Start by talking to your family doctor or pediatrician. The counselor at your child’s school may be able to recommend specialists or treatment centers that can help both you and your child.

6 Tips for Parents of Teens continued...

5. Leave room to rebuild trust. 

When parents don’t trust their kids, problems like drug abuse can snowball. Strained parent-child relations typically cast a negative tone on any and all interactions. Families tend do fewer things together, leaving kids fewer opportunities to feel connected to their parents. “Parents need to build a safe space for the child, while also defining boundaries and limits,” says Turner.
Try not to let the lies you’ve been told overshadow every conversation you have with your child. “So many kids in our groups say, ‘I never get a chance to talk. My parents cut me off all the time,’” says Hedrick. Open, two-way conversations can reinforce your child’s awareness of your family values and make the idea of drugs less appealing.
6. Expand your parenting style.

“A lot of parents are at one end of the spectrum or the other: overly permissive, or overly aggressive,” says Turner. Substance abuse requires a variety of parenting styles. Sometimes your child will need you to be warm and loving. Other times, you will have to enforce rules your child considers unfair.
Everyone interviewed for this article emphasized how important it is for parents to be their child’s parents, not their friends. There’s a significant difference.
·         Friends think it’s OK if another kid does drugs, puts himself in danger, and lies about it.
·         Parents love their children and are willing to set limits and boundaries to keep them safe, no matter much strife it causes in the household.
The Unwins often had to do the opposite of what they considered good parenting while their son was going through treatment. “Instead of protecting our child and taking care of his needs, we had to put the onus and responsibility on him. We couldn’t let our emotions take over and try to fix everything,” says Brian.
Tom Hedrick, founding member, Partnership for a Drug-Free America.
Brian and Julie Unwin.
Delaney-Black, V. Pediatrics, 2010.
Mason Turner, MD, chief of psychiatry, Kaiser Permanente, San Francisco.
National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, Columbia University.
Abar, C. Addictive Behaviors, 2008.
Simons-Morton, B. Health Education & Behavior, 2001.
News release, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Johnston, L. Monitoring the Future: National Results on Adolescent Drug Use.
The Partnership at Drugfree.org: "Drug Guide."
National Institute on Drug Abuse: "NIDA Drugs of Abuse and Related Topics - Media Guide."
Darling, N. Interpersonal Trust During Childhood and Adolescence, 2010.
Halpern-Felsher, B. Reducing underage drinking: A collective responsibility, 2004.
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD on June 14, 2012

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Sunday, July 20, 2014


Ok so when I was a child my family always sat around the kitchen table for dinner every night. Cell phones were just coming on the market when I was a teenager and my mom never allowed them at the dinner table. We would order pizza and have movie night (or watch T.G.I.F.) every Friday. The weekends we would spend time together as a family. That has always been the true definition of family time to me.

Nowadays when I go out to dinner with my daughter I see families sitting there on their cell phones. Kids will be at the table watching videos on their tablet. There's no communication. There just seems to be a disconnect. It really bothers me. 

Family time is so important because it really brings and keeps a family together. Family time is crucial to children. Children go through life stages where communication and family connection are absolutely necessary. If you cannot dedicate two hours of every day to spend time with your children and work on that strong connection then I think it is time to re prioritize.

We as adults get so caught up in the routine of life. We wake up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, get the children ready for bed, and go to sleep. Then we wake up and repeat our day all over. As parent's we are so concerned with providing for our family that the relationships between families are suffering. Divorce and family separations are at a all time high. 

There is a reason for that. Family time isn't what it used to be. Rarely do families sit down at the dinner table and just talk without disruption (cell phones, television, tablets). Most families don't go out as a family any more unless its by obligation. 

If families just took a little more time to reconnect with each other we would really see a change in family dynamics!

Saturday, July 19, 2014


What is the TRUE gateway to drugs... marijuana or alcohol? Everywhere you look they refer to marijuana as the "gateway to drugs" but I just don't believe that to be true.

First of all, think of it this way. How can marijuana be the gateway to drugs if it's considered a drug itself? You don't just wake up one day and decide to do drugs. Not to mention, you have to know where to get the drugs. So what better way to open your mind to the idea of experimenting with drugs than alcohol. 

As a teen, when you drink alcohol you are typically among friends. Friends get together, start to drink, and once they are feeling good they are much more open to the idea of trying something else. I cannot tell you how many times I have been to a party and seen teens willing to smoke marijuana, take pills (not knowing what they even are), snort cocaine, or pretty much do anything else that's available. 

These are not the teens that use drugs on a daily basis, but your every day teen that just gets caught in the moment. They may or may not continue to use drugs after they become sober. But the fact remains, the first time a teen will most likely experiment with drugs is when they are using alcohol.

Marijuana simply happens to be the first drug a teen will typically experiment with for one reason... its the most common. But most teens I interviewed who smoked marijuana first didn't venture on to different drugs. They stuck with marijuana. 

I conducted thousands of interviews with American teens and over 90% of them tried a drug for the first time when they were drinking alcohol. Those numbers are astounding!

So I ask again, whats the true gateway to drugs? The answer is alcohol. 

Friday, July 18, 2014


Thank you so much for all of your support with my super successful book launch, I could not have done it without you! With your help I was the #1 Best-Seller on Amazon in my category today!

For all of you that purchased my book today make sure you email me your receipt so I can send your bonuses.

I will also be at the OC Children’s Book Festival September 28, 2014 from 12-4:30 if you’d like to come down and get your book signed ;-)

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Time is running out.. HURRY NOW!

TIME IS ALMOST UP!!!  Hurry now to buy your copies of Slipping Away for just $9.95 (they make great gifts too)!

Show your support and help me reach my goal of becoming an Amazon Best-Seller!

BUY YOUR COPIES HERE: www.SlippingAwayBook.com


I am so close my heart won’t stop pounding!  PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!

Jennifer Kobuki’s new book, Slipping Away is available on Amazon! Show your support and help me reach my goal of becoming an Amazon Best-Seller!

BUY YOUR COPIES HERE: www.SlippingAwayBook.com 


I am overwhelmed with gratitude from the support I am receiving! Thank you so much!

LET’S KEEP IT GOING! Show your support and help Jennifer Kobuki reach her goal of becoming am Amazon Best-Seller!

BUY YOUR COPIES HERE: www.SlippingAwayBook.com


#1 in Hot New Releases on Amazon in my category so far! So close to #1 in my category too! Lets keep it going... spread the word!


Have you got your copy of Slipping Away yet? HURRY NOW! 

Today only, Show your support and help me reach my goal of becoming an Amazon Best-Seller!


BUY YOUR COPIES HERE: www.SlippingAwayBook.com


ATTENTION FRIENDS: Jennifer Kobuki’s new book, Slipping Away is available on Amazon!
Today only, this book is available for $9.95. Buy at least one copy of Slipping Away from Amazon on July 17th and you’ll get thousands of dollars in bonuses when you send us your Amazon receipt (they make great gifts).
Show your support and help Jennifer Kobuki reach her goal of becoming an Amazon Best-Seller!

BUY YOUR COPIES HERE: www.SlippingAwayBook.com

Please LIKE and SHARE: The 30th person to share this post will receive a FREE signed copy of Slipping Away


Please support Jennifer Kobuki to become an Amazon #1 Best-Seller. Get your copy of “Slipping Away: Complete Parent’s Guide To Recognizing Teen Drug Experimentation and Abuse” on July 17, 2014 from 1am to 11pm PST
Go to www.SlippingAwayBook.com to purchase your copies of “Slipping Away”!

#showyoursupport #slippingawaybooklaunch #amazonbestseller #needyourhelp #booksuccess #reachyourdreams #grateful #july17

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Please support Jennifer Kobuki to become an Amazon #1 Best-Seller. Get your copy of “Slipping Away: Complete Parent’s Guide To Recognizing Teen Drug Experimentation and Abuse” on July 17, 2014 from 1am to 11pm PST

Go to www.SlippingAwayBook.com to purchase your copies of “Slipping Away”!

#showyoursupport #slippingawaybooklaunch #amazonbestseller #needyourhelp #booksuccess #reachyourdreams #grateful #july17

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Slipping Away - Strategic #1 Best-Seller Book Launch, July 17th

Geared up and ready to help parents everywhere, Jennifer Kobuki’s new book, Slipping Away: Complete Parent’s Guide To Recognizing Teen Drug Experimentation and Abuse. We’re doing a Strategic Amazon launch July 17th to make Jennifer a #1 Best-Seller! The price will be $9.95 (regularly $19.95) on July 17th and were asking everyone to pitch in and buy some copies (they make great gifts).

-         Buy at least one copy of Slipping Away from Amazon on July 17th and you’ll get thousands of dollars in bonuses when you send us your Amazon receipt dated July 17th

#jenniferkobuki #slippingawaybook #teendrugabuse #amazonlaunch #amazonbestseller #july17 #partytime #getinontheaction 


Get an exclusive look into my book Slipping Away: Complete Parent's Guide To Recognizing Teen Drug Experimentation and Abuse.


Monday, July 14, 2014

Please support Jennifer Kobuki to become an Amazon #1 Best-Seller. Get your copy of “Slipping Away: Complete Parent’s Guide To Recognizing Teen Drug Experimentation and Abuse” on July 17, 2014 from 1am to 11pm PST

Go to www.SlippingAwayBook.com to purchase your copies of “Slipping Away”!

#showyoursupport #slippingawaybooklaunch #amazonbestseller #needyourhelp #booksuccess #reachyourdreams #grateful #july17

POEM: You Failed To Understand

You saw the grades fall
And the set of new friends.
You thought nothing at all
Of the new styles and trends.
Arguments each night.
And try as you might
You failed to understand, or comprehend.

You got notes from the school.
You heard of pressure from peers.
You felt such a fool
So you didn't interfere.
The actions were rash.
You were missing some cash.
You failed to understand, or comprehend.

It pulled you apart.
Then the missing car keys
Was a punch to the heart
And you fell to your knees.
Death sat in the eyes.
With life paralyzed,
You failed to understand, or comprehend.

By Dr. Jan Musgrove

Book Release Date Reminder

Mark this date in your calender – July 17: Slipping Away book release and #1 Best-Seller push on Amazon (I need your help!!!)

#slippingawaybookrelease #amazonbookavailable #needyourhelp #markyourcalender #lovemysupporters #letsgrowtogether #cheerstosuccess